
The Department of Mathematics engages in outstanding research in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and in teaching a wide rage of student at graduate level : The Mathematics major has reputational advanced research in Algebra and Geometry and provides excellent instruction. The Applied Mathematics major has reputational advanced research in Stochastic Analysis and Partial Differential Equation and their applications and also provides excellent instruction.

The faculty of the Department has a distinguished research reputation. Virtually many faculty publish regularly in leading research journals. One faculty has given invited address at a Meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians. There is a winner of the prize of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Our faculty obtain about 6 Grant-in-Aids for Scientific research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science per year.

The graduate program of the Department is flexible enough for the preparation of doctoral programs in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in order to prepare for a career in research or university level teaching, preparation of prospective mathematics teachers at the High Schools or the Secondary Schools and preparation for a variety of positions in industry and commerce.

We have been working hard to keep up to date all levels of our courses and degree program since the first Master’s degree was awarded. Since 2001, the Department has grown significantly. The excellent instruction for the graduate program is provided to students. There are nine masters degrees per year.

To supplement the classroom experience, a series of lectures, colloquia, conferences and various exchange programs are scheduled throughout the year.

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